Casyopee - The jigsaw classroom
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Collaboration continues with the IREM of Rennes by way of a new group

This new group is oriented towards the experimentation of new situations taking advantage of the "jigsaw classroom"

The motivation of the new group is dissatisfaction

  • towards the traditional course, which is most often of the dialogue course and which, under cover of participation of the pupils finally gives them little responsibility for their learning,
  • towards to the "reversed class", which is now widely used in secondary schools, which is widespread in all disciplines and is not very compatible with the personal work skills of today's high school students and greatly individualizes the learning process ,
  • towards "traditional" uses of ICT, whether they are in the classroom (the problems of the dialogue course) or in the computer room where the students are often very guided in their manipulations and where there is little exchange outside the pair of students working together on a computer.

The objectives are

  • To give more responsibility to the student in learning,
  • To involve all pupils
  • To foster collaboration between them.

The modalities are in four phases.

  • A phase of problematization that can be individual or in group, or at home.
  • The students are then divided into groups of experts who work on an aspect of the theme from a document and other supports.
  • Then the groups are mixed and in new groups, each expert develops his aspect of the theme for the others, and the group elaborates a report.
  • Finally, there is an entire class synthesis

The work may be

  • about a notion covered by a chapter of the course,.
  • or about a problem.

In the first case, the groups of experts work on different aspects of the notion and the "mixed" groups work on a synthesis in the form of a written course.
Example, for the notion of logarithm, we distinguish the algebraic properties, the limits, the graphical aspects, the derivation ...

In the second case, the groups of experts work on different approaches to the problem and the mixed groups work on a synthesis of these approaches.
For example, for a problem of modeling the main cable of a suspended bridge (see here), the approaches correspond to different domains of modeling: Statics, Geometry, Algorithms, Mathematical Functions


The contribution of ICT

The Casyopée software provides possibilities of expression and helps the resolution in each domain. For the algoriths, a specific programming module has been developed.
Other TICE are used like websites, or videos, or other software. ICTs are resources for students working in groups, rather than the support of individual guided activities or pairs in the computer room.

Creation date : 06/12/2016 - 18h26
Category : - --New--
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