Casyopée has an automatic update functionality. New versions correct dysfunctionning and offer new capabilities, after classroom observations.
Updating is done through a button "Checking new version" in the Notepad or in the ?, about menu.
Because of a change on the server, automatic update from version before 3.2.6 is unavailable. Please access to update by way of the download menu.
Version 3.5.5 Correction bug on definition of expressions
Version 3.5.4 Functions defined by Algorithm (Loop For x...) ; nb of significant digits in the display of expressions (latex)
Version 3.5.3 Improvment of Fonctions Functions defined by Algorithm
Version 3.5.2 Numerical sequences. Various corrections
Version 3.5.1 Correction bug on intersection. New Splash Screen.
Version 3.5.0 Numerous internal improvements, including redesign of the numeric evaluator and improvement of precision in the GD. Files prior to version 3.3.0 are no longer loaded. Use version 3.4.6 for download on the site.
Version 3.4.9 Fix on fonc algo
Version 3.4.8 Sequences. User guide (sorry French only)
Version 3.4.7 Numerical Evaluation enhanced. Approximate values' significant digits in the in the option menu. Points' labels move with the mouse. Variables declared in the algorithms are considered local
Version 3.4.6 Improvements and corrections.
Version 3.4.5 Adaptation for Linux. Bug on geometrical calculations and formulas whose length exceeds 1024.
Version 3.4.4 Switch Radians/Degré. Bugs on reported points.
Version 3.4.0 Enhancement and localisation of the programming environment (function defined by an algorithm) after experimenting. Option: Creation of functions with values in R² (parametric curves). See documentation and examples of use in the on line Help.
Version 3.3.9 Enhanced modelling
Version 3.3.8 Fixed problems with parameters
Version 3.3.7 Corrected minor pbs in the display and when loading files
on line help (menu ?)
Bug corrected in version 3.3.5
Problem when closing
Bugs corrected in version 3.3.3:
1. parameters created automaticly
2. wheel in the graphic window
3. redefinition of points
Bugs corrected in version 3.3.2:
about expressions (updating and saving)
Bugs corrected in version 3.3.1:
1. modification of properties of parameters.
2. problem of display of geometrical loci.
.CAS files are under zip format, including the Notepad in htm and txt format, the casyopée definitions (casyop.ini) and the maxima définitions (maximastate).
.CAS files saved with an older version can be loaded.
Undo-redo is possible as much as you wish.
Geometrical Parameters instancied by default.
Greek Version available..
New Functionalités since 3.2.6
French help file updated (English soon).
Picture attached to a segment.
New fonctioning of parameter's instanciation.
Version 3.2.5
This version allows to import Casyopée constructions made in GeoGebra.
Admitted Constructions: Point Free, PointRepere, Intersect Point on object, Midpoint, Cursor, Line Segment, Ray, Circle, Angle, AngularBisector, Locus, LineBisector, OrthogonalLine, Polygon, segment, function (curve)
Access through the menu File-> Import Geogebra
This should allow the use of algebraic possibilities Casyopée (geometric calculations, modeling ...) from a GeoGebra figure.
Other new features: the min and max functions have been integrated into the numeric evaluator, which makes them usable for functions (graphs, curves) or geometric calculations (approximate value).