Casyopee - Casyopée’s four tabs
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Figure 1 – Algebra and graphic tabs in the Casyopée window

With the  button, the algebra tab (expression list, and optionally X-values, functions and equation lists) is switched with the dynamic geometry tab. The  button allows the reverse action. The graphic tab is switched with the geometric calculation tab using the  button. The reverse action is done via the  button.

Figure 2 - Geometric tabs in the Casyopée window


Using the buttons Algebra/Geometry and Graphs/Geometric calculation, four main configurations are available.  Figure 1 and Figure 2 above display two of these.

In a configuration "Geometry and Graphs" ,dynamic figures in the geometry tab can be animated together with graphs.

In some cases, it is useful to see both the algebra and the geometry tabs. This is done by “detaching” the geometry tab. 

The NotePad is always visible and “hides” the Graphs/Geometric calculation tab when in full page mode. The “hidden” tab can be made visible by unchecking the corresponding item in the NotePad menu

Starting Casyopée, the Algebra tab is displayed with just the expression list and the NotePad in full page mode.  The graphic tab is hidden behind. The version number is displayed on the initialisation form, and after that in the NotePad. If the computer can access the Internet, it is possible to check whether a new version is available via the Check New Version button. If there is one, automatic update will be proposed. This button is available on the initialisation form, and after that on the about form available through the ? menu. This manual is up to date for version 3.1.4. Working with the newest version is recommended.

More help is available through the help (?) command of the menu bar. This getting started manual refers to Casyopée's menu entries. Using buttons associated with the commands (see p. 38) is also possible. The entries are written in bold font. Between two exercises, you can do Files / New and you will be prompted to save your work. You can also run another instance of Casyopée in order to carry out two tasks in parallel by Files / New Window.  Casyopée’s calculation uses Maxima, an open source piece of software for symbolic computation:

Creation date : 01/10/2014 - 19h55
Category : - help
Page read 10144 times

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